



  英 [n] 美 [ɑ:n]

  介词 (表示方向)向; (表示对象)对; (表示位置)在…上; (表示时间)在…之时

  副词 (放,穿,连接)上; 向前,(继续)下去

  形容词 活动着的情况,状态; 使用着的; 发生着的; 计划中的


  1. on with : 穿上, 戴上, 开始;

  2. on and on : 继续不停地;

  3. be on it : 准备就绪, 熟练;



  A:Let’s put on (some music/ the news/ a traffic report).





  A:What’s on (TV/ television/ the tube) tonight?


  B:Nothing much.



  B:(They’re / It’s / Cereal is) on sale.





  1. 正在发生的

  When an activity is taking place, you can say that it is on .

  e.g. There's a marvellous match on at Wimbledon at the moment...


  e.g. Every year they put a play on at Saint Holy Cross Church...


  2. (表示某人忙碌程度)忙得很/没什么可忙

  You use on in expressions such as 'have a lot on' and 'not have very much on' to indicate how busy someone is.

  e.g. I have a lot on in the next week.


  3. (引出所进行的活动,特别是旅行)处于…情况中,在从事…中

  You use on to introduce an activity that someone is doing, particularly travelling.

  e.g. I've always wanted to go on a cruise...


  e.g. They look happy and relaxed as they stroll in the sunshine on a shopping trip...


  4. (机器、电灯等)开着,工作着,使用中

  When something such as a machine or an electric light is on, it is functioning or in use. When you switch it on, it starts functioning.

  e.g. The light was on and the door was open...


  e.g. The central heating's been turned off. I've turned it on again...


  5. 是…的成员;供职于

  If you are on a committee or council, you are a member of it.

  e.g. Claire and Beryl were on the organizing committee...


  e.g. He was on the Council of Foreign Relations.


  6. 在(某一日子或日期)(发生)

  You can indicate when something happens by saying that it happens on a particular day or date.

  e.g. This year's event will take place on June 19th, a week earlier than usual...


  e.g. She travels to Korea on Monday...


  7. 在…后立即;一…就

  You use on when mentioning an event that was followed by another one.

  e.g. She waited in her hotel to welcome her children on their arrival from London...


  e.g. On reaching Dubai the evacuees are taken straight to Dubai international airport.


  8. (继续)下去

  You use on to say that someone is continuing to do something.

  e.g. They walked on in silence for a while...


  e.g. If the examination shows your company enjoys basically good health, read on...


  9. 不停地(数落、抱怨、纠缠)

  If you say that someone goes on at you, you mean that they continually criticize you, complain to you, or ask you to do something.

  e.g. She's been on at me for weeks to show her round the stables...


  e.g. He used to keep on at me about the need to win...



  1. above one’s own... 在自己的……之上

  2. above average 在平均水平以上

  3. according to根据

  4. after all 毕竟

  5. along with与……一道, 连同……一起

  6. apart from除……之外

  7. as a result的`结果

  8. as a result of 作为......的结果

  9. as well as 也,还有

  10. be convinced of sth.坚信......

  11. be curious about sth对某事物感到好奇

  12. because of因为

  13. below average 在平均水平以下

  14. beyond control 无法控制

  15. beyond description 无法描述

  16. beyond reach 无法到达

  17. beyond repair 无法修理

  18. by chance偶然地,碰巧地

  19. by means of通过……的方式

  20. by nature天生地

  21. by oneself单独地,独自地

  22. except for除了

  23. far from远离;远远不

  24. in front of在……的前面

  25. in general大体上,总体上

  26. in honour of为了纪念

  27. in need of需要,紧缺

  28. in one’s mind在某人心里

  29. in other words 换句话说

  30. in place在适当的地方

  31. in place of代替

  32. in praise of歌颂,赞美

  33. in return作为回报

  34. in search of寻找

  35. in short简言之

  36. in sight(被)看得见

  37. in spite of尽管

  38. in terms of就……而言

  39. in the direction of朝……方向

  40. in the form of以……形式

  41. in turn轮流

  42. in vain徒劳

  43. in addition to除了=besides

  44. in case万一, 以防……

  45. in case of 万一

  46. in detail 详细地,详尽地

  47. in all 总共

  48. instead of代替,而不是

  49. in doubt怀疑

  50. in effect生效,在实行中

  51. in exchange for作为......的交换

  52. in face of 面对

  53. in favour of支持

  54. for one thing一方面,

  55. for another thing 另一方面

  56. hear from 收到……的来信

  57. next to紧挨着

  58. of one's own age跟某人自己的年龄相同

  59.on average平均

  60. on condition that条件是......

  61. on purpose故意地

  62. on the other hand另一方面

  63. on time按时,准时

  64. on top of 在……顶部

  65. regardless of不顾,不管

  66. to the point中肯,切题

  67. with regard to 至于, 关于

  68. within easy reach很容易拿到,在附近

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