



  butterfly cookies 蝴蝶酥;

  pumpkin pie 南瓜饼;

  caramel 焦糖卷;

  cookies 曲奇;

  doughnut 甜甜圈;

  puff 泡芙;

  pudding 布丁;

  egg tart 蛋挞;

  waffle 华夫饼;

  mousse 慕斯

  sponge cake 海绵蛋糕;

  cheese cake 奶酪蛋糕;

  black forest cake 黑森林蛋糕;

  苹果蛋奶酥 apple souffle

  奶酪蛋奶酥 cheese souffle

  水果冻 fruit jelly

  果冻 fruit jelly

  菠萝冻 pineapple jelly

  巧克力冻 chocolate jelly


  The desserts shop's advertisement

  I think that it can draw one cup in the right below.At first,You can recommend to some drinks,special drinks,write in the black board.At second,you can recommend to some set meals,looks like France people will recommend one Macalon get one black coffee,and you can get one humbuger,this is the first set meal.At third,the second set meal,you can put the

  chicken rolls,you can get one cup of soft drink.It's good to your health.You also need notice to the black board's write colour,you should be at match.

  To know Hong Kong dessert, big good eight remember must make their mark. This shop history can be traced back to the 1940 s guangzhou, founded the per capita uncle was already in guangzhou have two dessert shop, because he is a great lover, shunde, in the home ranked eighth, so called big good eight remember. Later, in the 1950 s closing, come to Hong Kong to toss a few job, finally in the 80 s find a good partner, decided to restart the industry, big good eight remember signs to rescue dawn. Now it has become of the old Hong Kong, kelly and cardinal signs very grab an eye, the environment clean and bright, in addition to the locals outside, also deeply welcome Japanese tourists.

  One of the distinctive features of old, is JingGui food choices, so the dessert is only ten paragraph of paste class desserts have accounted for half, like almond paste, walnut paste, sesame seed paste and so on. The most unique, wants to count it pioneering coconut paste, fresh coconut shreds and coconut meat ground into juice, and hybrid rice milk boil thick paste. Program looks be like simple, actually very spend time, because coconut shreds may only a small amount of grinding, or grinding machine can't smooth operation, make the process becomes heavy and complicated. In order to adhere to the daily fresh system, coconut paste on Sunday only supply above cheesecakes are available while stocks last.



  蛋黄,在烘焙中不仅仅是做为食材用以其中,在作品进炉前涮上薄薄的一层蛋黄液,增色增香。 做法式紫薯派中多出来的紫薯泥,也不想就这么直接吃掉,还寻思着如何让它发挥另一个作用,看到家里的.白方包和香蕉就有主意了,紫薯泥太少,添入香蕉,营养更丰富,而又添入的芝士奶香味更浓,咬一口还拉着丝,孩子可喜欢了。


  做法: 1、备好食材。 2、香蕉切细条。 3、白方包切去四边。再用擀面杖擀压一遍。 4、放上奶酪芝士碎,挤上紫薯泥。再放上香蕉。

  5、卷起来,接口处用蛋黄粘住。 6、摆入烤盘中。涮上蛋黄液。烤箱预热190度,上下火。 7、入烤箱。转为175度,烤制约10分钟。 8、香香脆脆,好美味哦。 小贴士: 1、紫薯泥是加了淡奶油搅拌过的,也可能加入牛奶或直接用紫薯泥也可以。 2、烤的时候温度不要太高,以自家烤箱脾气来调整。

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