ip address的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)

ip address的中文是什么意思1



  互联网协议地址(英语:Internet Protocol Address,又译为网际协议地址),缩写为IP地址(IP Address)。

ip address的中文是什么意思2

  1. It is difficult to search for the owner of the computer using the IP address which is a digital sequence of four sections.

  2. The ITU deputy secretary general said there are still potentials in the unused regional resources of the current IP address system.

  3. Police used his emails to track down his IP address and nabbed him at home.

  4. The company had one IP address, three servers and two dedicated gigabyte lines in a machine room.

  5. Ip continued that the fundamental ways to address poverty rely on a government structure that works more effectively.

  6. Only people living in Guizhou can use the service as a local IP address determines visitor eligibility.

  7. Local police located the man after finding out the IP address used for uploading the photos.

  8. " But we cannot take down the IP address if the websites are registered outside China, " said Chen.

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ip address的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展1)



  IP是英文Internet Protocol的缩写,意思是“网络之间互连的协议”,也就是为计算机网络相互连接进行通信而设计的协议。在因特网中,它是能使连接到网上的所有计算机网络实现相互通信的一套规则,规定了计算机在因特网上进行通信时应当遵守的规则。任何厂家生产的计算机系统,只要遵守IP协议就可以与因特网互连互通。正是因为有了IP协议,因特网才得以迅速发展成为世界上最大的、开放的计算机通信网络。因此,IP协议也可以叫做“因特网协议”。



  IP地址(英语:Internet Protocol Address)是一种在Internet上的给主机编址的方式,也称为网络协议地址。常见的IP地址,分为IPv4与IPv6两大类。










  ——电信网正在与IP网走向融合,以IP为基础的新技术是热门的技术,如用IP网络传送话音的技术(即VoIP)就很热门,其它如IP over ATM、IP over SDH、IP over WDM等等,都是IP技术的研究重点。

ip address的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展2)

——grow on的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)

grow on的中文是什么意思1

  英 [ɡr?u ?n] 美 [ɡro ɑn]


  在…上面生长; 越来越被…喜欢; 逐渐加强



  1. Modern music starts to grow on people.


grow on的中文是什么意思2

  1. It's quite unusual as you normally see bluebells growing in ancient woodlands, but they also grow on north facing slopes by the sea.

  2. China has also demonstrated to its neighbors how to grow productivity based on more efficient capital investment.

  3. Farmers also grow cash crops on sandy lands to improve vegetation and increase earnings.

  4. Since small farmers often feed their cattle whatever they grow on their farms, the protein content in the milk is not stable.

  5. It provides a pictorial glossary of Chinese herbs, acupressure techniques and even instructions on how to grow goji berries.

  6. The guidelines on tourism also pointed out the government additionally encourages qualified companies in the industry to grow bigger and stronger through mergers and acquisitions.

  7. One of the statues shows a saint meditating for so long that leaves grow on him and snakes climb up his body.

  8. A smiling Lindsay Lohan was released on Thursday from almost five years of formal probation, and told by a Los Angeles judge to grow up and stop clubbing.

  9. Our Sustainability Report focuses on Daimler's comprehensive strategy to grow our business in China sustainably.

ip address的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展3)

——lose heart的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)

lose heart的中文是什么意思1

  动词 丧失勇气; 心灰意冷; 垂头丧气

  英 [lu:z hɑ:t] 美 [luz hɑrt]

  1. 丧失信心:然而,尽管你可能非常生气,我也知道,在本质上,你是非常善良的人. 实际上,你是在意的.. 我们之间的任何争吵都不会让我丧失信心(lose heart)或者有挫败感.

  2. 灰心,泄气:look up to sb. 尊敬,敬仰 . | lose heart 灰心,泄气 . | lose no time 立即 .

  3. 丧失勇气(或信心):lose heart 灰心,泄气 | lose heart 丧失勇气(或信心) | lose no time 立即

  4. 泄气;灰心:8.apply... to... 运用;应用 | 9.lose heart 泄气;灰心 | 10.take it easy 别紧张;放松点

lose heart的中文是什么意思2

  1. If you show heart and a lot of competitiveness and you absolutely refuse to lose, that's what you can do.

  2. Another idea is that arteries may lose elasticity over time, affecting the penis first and the heart later.

  3. Xu did not lose heart, and in 2004 he stumbled across gyroplane information in a magazine.

  4. It is difficult to inculcate sympathy, compassion and consideration in every heart on earth but we should not lose hope.

  5. The last round was held in June 2004, but Liu said the world should not lose heart over the long delay.

ip address的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展4)

——hp address的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)

hp address的中文是什么意思1


  abbr.**惠普公司; Horsepower **; Health Point 生命值

  1. 惠普:三星(SAMSUNG)、松下(PANASONIC)、理光(RICOH)、夏普(SHARP)、佳能(CANON),惠 普(HP)、兄弟(BROTHER)累计修复各种型号的传真机1000余台,整体修复率目前已达95%以上,积累了丰富的维修经验,维修备件充足,

  2. 生命值:4.生命值(HP): 生命值(HP)标志着可以还可以承受多少的伤害量. 除了1509点基础HP外,剩余的HP全部按照1Sta=10HP(或特定装备/附魔)进行修正. 牛头人因为种族天赋的缘故,HP上限提高5%. 二.战士攻击力的参数:武器伤害(Damage),

  3. 血量:库勒卡鼠人谁知道这个怪在哪??? 问题补充:库勒卡鼠人是8级的 怪物名稱 等級 類別 屬性 種族 性別 血量(HP) 魔力(MP) 經驗值(Exp) 技能點數(SP) 善惡值

  4. **:911年表 型号 容积(c.c.) **(hp) 0-100km/h(秒) 极速(km/h) 年代 大事记 911 1991 130 8.8 210 1963 九月IAA法兰克福车展Porsche编号901的跑车首度亮相,但由于与法国标致汽车(Peugeot)已注册的`车款编号方式相同(三码中间带0),

  5. hp:helicobucter pylory; 幽门螺旋杆菌

  6. hp:hewlett packard; 惠普公司

  7. hp:hit points; 生命值

  8. hp:house power; **


  名词 地址; 称呼; 演说; 通信处

  动词 称呼; 演说; 写姓名地址; 向…说话

  1. 住址:NO.) 住址(ADDRESS) 授权人(PRINCIPAL) 中文 ** ** 英文 中文名称 被授权人(AGENT) 县 乡镇 村邻 市 (区)里路段巷弄号楼街 授权人与被授权人之关系备注 房地标示及**范围 办理不动产变更登记之辖区地政事务所: 授权事项

  2. 瞄球:15、应抛球(DROP)的地方,未抛球而放置地上,罚二杆. 40、瞄球(ADDRESS)后动球,罚一杆,在原有处再打. 14、未除去球印(MARK)推杆,罚两杆.

hp address的中文是什么意思2

  1. China's Shenzhen City, Guangdong Phuket. Sakata.


  2. If you change your name, address or telephone number, your medical record will need to be updated.


  3. Some agencies will not charge for rental space, but will charge for the use of a domain name, or website address.


  4. NTOURS GLOBAL】can offer a mass of information of drive tour and travels, according to the real information from the scenic spots, we collect the drive routes, open time and tickets price of national parks, introduction of city scenic spots, Address and price of good restaurants, shopping malls and coupons, traffic rules of different states etc which could offer to our members.

  驾游天下-NTOURS GLOBAL】提供丰富的驾车和**旅行旅游资讯,以实地资讯为依据,对所搜集的详实信息进行重组、整合处理。内容涵盖自驾线路参考;国家公园开放时间和门票价格;城市景区的热点介绍;四色美食的餐厅地址和价格;购物天堂的各类特色商店;直销名店的地址和折扣优惠券;驾游目的国的交通规则和风土人情等各种驾游资讯的综合在线*台。

  5. The second argument is the address of the PDO.


  6. It would be a great deal easier just to remember the PDO address when you first create the device object.


  7. Provide a unique forum to address and resolve issues affecting the worldwide automotive supply chain.


  8. According to the ****ysis, a new algorithm is presented which is based on the idea of moving the data stream with address computation.


ip address的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展5)

——i am a top的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)

i am a top的中文是什么意思1



  名词 顶,顶部; (箱子)盖,(书页等的)上栏; 首席; 陀螺

  形容词 最高的; 顶上的; 头等的; 最大的

  及物动词 形成顶部; 达到…的顶端; 处于…的最前头; **

  不及物动词 总结; 超越; 高耸; 结束

i am a top的中文是什么意思2

  1. Examination has ended, results have been announced, I was very unsatisfactory, even out of the top 10, I am really very sad, but also blamed for many of their own - why did I fail to remember at the last moment to run a few steps, catch up with the river, even the end of this river!


  2. Shieh Hua-Tung is my name and I am a computer salesman for Top Industries.


  3. Wyeth is one the top 500 pharmaceutical companies, credibility and customer service are doing a good job is one of the best recipes, and I am assured.


  4. Lately husband unit organization football game, husband battle oneself in the school of graduate student brigade the resume of the wooden bench be the coach of unit and main force, they a line 11 people bought to pull the sports clothes of breeze to go to battle very, I am present at that time bottom, the mouth-muffle add sunglasses, because of true throw a person:Don't of unit young and small, shape also I am very enjoy to please the eye, can the husband's organization brigade, average 31 years old, present top on sign, whole is a frog, big belly frog.


  5. I am a family orientated person and as a priority these are at the top for me.


  6. Now I am more than happy to be at a top club.


ip address的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展6)

——home page的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)

home page的中文是什么意思1


  home page 网络解释

  1. 首页:大的网站可能有数百张网页,而简单的网站甚至 只有一张网页,而连上该网站后浏览器所显示出的第一张网页,又称作是该网站的 首页(Home Page),藉由该首页浏览者可以选按超链结(Hyper Link)选项,

  2. 网页:负责人: 陈美瑜 企业形象cis、 广告策略、 企划执行、 虚拟网站空间出租 、网页(home page)设计、 *面设计(商标、名片、dm型录、海报、吊牌、包装)、印刷制作.



  1. the opening page of a web site

  Synonym: homepage

home page的中文是什么意思2

  1. He also asked Baidu to post an apology on its home page for seven consecutive days.

  2. Google departs from its customarily spartan home page and peppers its Korean site with colorful, animated icons.

  3. King mystery novel might find a book by her the next time they visit Amazon's home page.

  4. " We all have our home page because we have a concept of a home page, " Campbell said.

  5. A customer service staff member said hackers had not attacked and blamed the black home page on a system error.

  6. Its home page displayed a message from Wang thanking supporters and lashing out at " garbage " whom he accused of attacking him.

  7. A new service for the media is a key feature of the new home page.

  8. Each time a visitor lands on the home page, different music plays from a collection that can be downloaded from the site.

  9. Search results could take a user directly to a page for a pirated download, rather than to the website's home page.

  10. This model allows the seller to control whether the infringing products will be shown at its home page.

ip address的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展7)

——so to speak的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)

so to speak的中文是什么意思1

  英 [s?? tu: spi:k] 美 [so? tu spik]



so to speak的中文是什么意思2

  1. He can't speak English, so would struggle to communicate with coaches.

  2. It is like wanting to make somebody happy and so you try to look cute, wear a pink dress and even speak like a child.

  3. I'm happy to speak with all members of the super series and will do so over the next few weeks.

  4. There was no embellishment so the clothes had to speak for themselves.

  5. I cannot speak Chinese and these young men and women have so many dialects, it is hard to understand what they mean at times.

  6. Their affection for each other is hindered by her physical imperfection, so to speak.

  7. He may well enjoy the pleasant weather now because next spring it will move house, so to speak.

  8. Monday's observance at Arlington National Cemetery was not a funeral, so demonstrators were free to speak their minds at the site.

  9. When people date out of their " age league " so to speak, eyebrows are always raised.

ip address的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展8)

——point of view的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)

point of view的中文是什么意思1

  英 [p?int ?v vju:] 美 [p??nt ?v vju]

  名词 观点

  1. 观点:根据他在***<<观点>>(Point of View)节目里阐述的逻辑,布朗对**不留情面,恰恰显示他属于头一类人. 在我碰到的所有评论中,最简短的只说,沙马的一番论述跟尔兰作家乔伊斯(James Joyce,1882 - 1941)最后那本小说<<芬尼根守灵>>(Finnegans Wake)差不多,

  2. point of view:pov; 观点,看法〖网语〗

point of view的中文是什么意思2

  1. His point of view was echoed by Xie Dapeng, a leading official of the Party school of the Dehong prefectural committee of the Party.

  2. " He was actually a very good calligrapher even from my point of view today, " said Xu.

  3. Campion plans to tell the story from Brawne's point of view.

  4. But Yao saw the format change from a different point of view.

  5. Nor will we convert them to our point of view through force of argument and ideological conviction.

  6. From the government's point of view, corporate income tax is a cheap and effective way of raising revenue.

  7. This might be termed perfect counterpoint from the point of view of music programming.

  8. It is a world order cr**** and depending on one's point of view it is the sad end or good riddance of an era.

  9. Zhou said he appreciates the design from a professional point of view.

  10. In her point of view, a simple pigtail wouldn't take a long time to do up.

ip address的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展9)

——英语fixed的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [f?kst] 美 [f?kst]



  形容词 固定的,不变的; 不易挥发的; 处境…的,常作复合词; (比赛等)通过作弊预先安排好结果的

  动词 固定( fix的过去式和过去分词)



  1. The date's not fixed yet.


  2. The tables are firmly fixed to the floor.


  3. He has a fixed pattern of behavior.


  4. The date is fixed now.



  1. The US business fixed expenditure had declined for eight quarters in a row between the fourth quarter of 2000 and third quarter of 2002.

  2. Now the news is that the cable won't be fixed until the end of the month.

  3. Some ****ysts are calling for an interest rate increase to contain price increases, citing the possibility of a sharp rebound in fixed investment growth.

  4. CIC said that it wanted managers for active global fixed income and active emerging market debt investment.

  5. Every day a new price candle is added to the chart, slowly moving towards the fixed end date for the parabolic trend.

  6. A rod in the center of the lamp panel was where the candle or wick was fixed.

  7. On the company level, the company strengthened its investment in fixed assets and has increased its production capacity.

  8. " Government investment " here refers to activities of spending government capital in fixed assets in the People's Republic of China.

  9. The system places a heavy burden on enterprises wanting to increase their fixed assets investment, especially for enterprises that are intensive in their use of capital and technologies.

ip address的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)(扩展10)

——英语sap的中文是什么意思 (菁选2篇)


  英 [s?p] 美 [s?p]

  名词 树液; 精力,元气; 活力; 坑道

  及物动词 使衰竭; 使伤元气; 挖掘使倒塌

  不及物动词 挖坑道


  1. The long walk sapped the old lady's strength.


  2. The houses were sapped by floods.



  1. The world's whole sap is sunk.


  2. The weather was warming up and the sap was rising in the maples.


  3. You don't know what a sap she is.



  1. 消耗(精力);削弱(信心)

  If something saps your strength or confidence, it gradually weakens or destroys it.

  e.g. I was afraid the sickness had sapped my strength...


  e.g. ****ysts say the recession in Japan has sapped investor confidence.


  2. (植物的)液,汁

  Sap is the watery liquid in plants and trees.

  e.g. The leaves, bark and sap are also common ingredients of local herbal remedies.


  3. 笨蛋;傻瓜

  If you describe someone as a sap, you think they are foolish.

  e.g. ...her poor sap of a husband.


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