表示各种天气的英文单词有哪些 (菁选2篇)


  英 [d?st] 美 [d?st]


  名词 灰尘; (建筑物内、家具或地板等上的)灰尘; 遗骸,尸体,人体,人; 〈口〉金粉,粉末,粉剂,花粉

  及物/不及物动词 拂(一拂),掸(一掸)

  及物动词 撒(粉)于; 擦去…的灰尘; 擦灰; 撢去


  1. He dusted his trousers.


  2. She dusted the table.



  1. His letter made a dust.


  2. There is a lot of dust on this table.


  3. The dust has cleared.



  英 [f?g] 美 [f?:g]


  名词 雾; 烟雾; 迷惑; 割后再生的草

  及物动词 以雾包围; 使模糊; 使迷惑

  不及物动词 为雾笼罩; 朦胧; 照片(模糊)

  1. So it has the importance to foresee the carrying of water fog by outlet air at design stage.


  2. And expressway supervising system for fog area is established by the method of theory an...


  3. And dye. The results from the whole experiments and sensitometric results from these emulsions showed: 1 that sensitization of Zn-EDTA or Cd-EDTA on silver bromide emulsion was affirmed; 2 That a cooperation sensitization of Zn-EDTA or Cd-EDTA, sulfur plus gold, and dye could be carried out to make a higher level of sensitization; 3 That a cooperation sensitization of Zn-EDTA or Cd-EDTA, on the basis of and dye, with oxalate-doped was carried out to make a higher level of sensitization without any increase in the level of fog.


  4. In this paper, a kind of digital lockin amplifier used in FOG signal detection is designed.


  5. You hear the fog signal of another vessel forward of your beam.


表示各种天气的英文单词有哪些 (菁选2篇)扩展阅读

表示各种天气的英文单词有哪些 (菁选2篇)(扩展1)

——表示各种天气的几种英文单词 (菁选3篇)


  表示各种天气的英文单词:light snow

  英 [lait snu] 美 [lat sno]


  1. But at this moment, I am dee* in love is only front these wisp of fragrancescongeals, several point light, that share has contained the very long emotion in the moral nature, in this winter, when some strolls in the snow seeks the plum, finally has heard the nature elusive sound sound.


  2. It is interesting that, to understand the whiteness of snow (upon illumination by white light), absorption can be ignored, but to understand the blueness of light transmitted deep into snow, absorption must be taken into account.


  3. Suzhou, a city that might see one light dusting of snow a year is covered in 2+ feet of the white stuff.


  4. He says that Day gives us appearance And you just hide at night: Still fluttering Your wings extend into Night Flying and searching For Time that will return Through the cracks of horizon He says that Time has already returned Everything same as that of yesterday: Houses on empty streets Snow on roofs Silence on snow But you must lift the silence and throw it away Bringing everything Buried in the ruins of Time To the light of Day: Greed, robbery, slaughterer In that silently weeping city Who licks its incurable wound At night He says that we will open our eyes Walking through Time and its inventions: Look, silence thrown away, The flocks of pigeons Waving In the blue morning sky But now, you are walking at night Still searching Along the path of Time Yet, with a peaceful mind


  5. The blooming flowers in her light all look like snow.


  6. Sunny color: coagulation muscle wins while the color of fresh snow had just cooked, such as peach trees, and tells the people covet, but a light color heterozygosity coupled with the body type, is this not a kind of sexy in the dissemination of the United States.



  英 [θndst:m] 美 [θndrst:rm]


  名词 大雷雨; 雷电交加的暴风雨

  1. 雷暴:squall(飑):指风速的突然、快速增大,通常伴随阵雨(shower)、雷暴(thunderstorm)和降雪等天气. wind(风):指空气或其它气体流动. Gust指强度和方向不断变化的风. 风的间歇叫lull. 一阵风叫blast. 刮风的时间叫blustery. Squall也是一种风,

  2. 雷雨:雾气(Fog)虫族大门Floodgate,第五关饥荒(Famine)方舟the Ark,第六关雷雨(Thunderstorm)星盟the Covenant,第七关野猪兽生日派对(Grunt Birthday Party)基地Crow's Nest,第二关游戏中段有一个看似大型通风管的区域(通风管的两侧不时有兵蜂探头),

  3. 暴风雨:microburst 瞬间风暴:从云层底部突然涌出的风暴,会引起风剪 (wind shear) 而改变局部风速与风向,通常与暴风雨 (thunderstorm) 有关. 若干飞机失事坠毁就是由其所造成. 混合实境:一种由虚拟实境 (virtual reality) 和真实世界 (real world) 的元素结合而成的环境.

  4. 雷暴雨:Ntelekos与其同事,以2004年7月发生在**东海岸马里兰州的.巴尔地摩市(Baltimore)的强劲雷暴雨(thunderstorm)为例子展开研究,并佐以数字模型来说明都市化对雷暴雨强度与演化的影响.


  英 [fg] 美 [f:g]


  名词 雾; 烟雾; 迷惑; 割后再生的草

  及物动词 以雾包围; 使模糊; 使迷惑

  不及物动词 为雾笼罩; 朦胧; 照片(模糊)


  1. Light has fogged this film.


  2. Steam has fogged my glasses.


  3. The steam has fogged the mirror.


  4. I am completely fogged by the issue.



  1. The fog was so thick that I could not see my way.



  英 [lait sn?u] 美 [la?t sno]


  1. But at this moment, I am dee* in love is only front these wisp of fragrancescongeals, several point light, that share has contained the very long emotion in the moral nature, in this winter, when some strolls in the snow seeks the plum, finally has heard the nature elusive sound sound.


  2. It is interesting that, to understand the whiteness of snow (upon illumination by white light), absorption can be ignored, but to understand the blueness of light transmitted deep into snow, absorption must be taken into account.


  3. Suzhou, a city that might see one light dusting of snow a year is covered in 2+ feet of the white stuff.


  4. He says that Day gives us appearance And you just hide at night: Still fluttering Your wings extend into Night Flying and searching For Time that will return Through the cracks of horizon He says that Time has already returned Everything same as that of yesterday: Houses on empty streets Snow on roofs Silence on snow But you must lift the silence and throw it away Bringing everything Buried in the ruins of Time To the light of Day: Greed, robbery, slaughterer In that silently weeping city Who licks its incurable wound At night He says that we will open our eyes Walking through Time and its inventions: Look, silence thrown away, The flocks of pigeons Waving In the blue morning sky But now, you are walking at night Still searching Along the path of Time Yet, with a peaceful mind


  5. The blooming flowers in her light all look like snow.


  6. Sunny color: coagulation muscle wins while the color of fresh snow had just cooked, such as peach trees, and tells the people covet, but a light color heterozygosity coupled with the body type, is this not a kind of sexy in the dissemination of the United States.



  英 [?θ?nd?st?:m] 美 [?θ?nd?rst?:rm]


  名词 大雷雨; 雷电交加的暴风雨

  1. 雷暴:squall(飑):指风速的突然、快速增大,通常伴随阵雨(shower)、雷暴(thunderstorm)和降雪等天气. wind(风):指空气或其它气体流动. Gust指强度和方向不断变化的风. 风的间歇叫lull. 一阵风叫blast. 刮风的时间叫blustery. Squall也是一种风,

  2. 雷雨:雾气(Fog)虫族大门Floodgate,第五关饥荒(Famine)方舟the Ark,第六关雷雨(Thunderstorm)星盟the Covenant,第七关野猪兽生日派对(Grunt Birthday Party)基地Crow's Nest,第二关游戏中段有一个看似大型通风管的区域(通风管的两侧不时有兵蜂探头),

  3. 暴风雨:microburst 瞬间风暴:从云层底部突然涌出的风暴,会引起风剪 (wind shear) 而改变局部风速与风向,通常与暴风雨 (thunderstorm) 有关. 若干飞机失事坠毁就是由其所造成. 混合实境:一种由虚拟实境 (virtual reality) 和真实世界 (real world) 的元素结合而成的环境.

  4. 雷暴雨:Ntelekos与其同事,以2004年7月发生在**东海岸马里兰州的巴尔地摩市(Baltimore)的强劲雷暴雨(thunderstorm)为例子展开研究,并佐以数字模型来说明都市化对雷暴雨强度与演化的影响.

表示各种天气的英文单词有哪些 (菁选2篇)(扩展2)

——有哪些是表示天气的英文单词 (菁选2篇)


  英 [sn??] 美 [sno?]


  名词积 雪; 雪,雪花; 雪季

  及物动词 下雪; 使纷纷落下; 使变白; 被雪覆盖,被雪**

  不及物动词 降雪


  1. It is snowing in great flakes.


  2. It has snowed for three days running.


  3. Presents snowed in on my birthday.



  1. We often go hunting during the snows.




  1. I live in a part of the UK that has relatively mild weather, but in the past two weeks my journey to work has been disrupted by snow, ice, flooding and thick fog.


  2. Jilin Hengsheng Textile Co., Ltd., located in the scenic city of fog and snow glaze ---- City. Company is financed by Mr.


  3. The expressways often encountered bad weather conditions such as heavy rain, snow and fog etc, and the road surface is often covered with deep snow or up to extremely high temperature. These can arouse severely serious security affairs. So, it is very meaningful to forecast road parameters accurately.


  4. Heavy snow, ice and fog Saturday and Sunday caused deadly road accidents and power outages.


  5. It is less a fall of snow than a fog, the flakes suspended in air, darkening and brightening the day at the same time.


表示各种天气的英文单词有哪些 (菁选2篇)(扩展3)

——表示天气的英文单词有哪些 (菁选2篇)


  1. It is a lovely and bright day.


  2. Our most versatile wine, Moscato Allegro is lovely on a hot day or a cold night.


  3. Down by the nature reserve, Hey, such a lovely day


  4. Hey, such a lovely day, such a lovely day, Such fun, looking at the lovers in a lay-by with my little one.


  5. Hey, such a lovely day, such a lovely day, Such fun, looking at the lorries in the litter with my lovely one, We could go dancing, we could go walking, we could go shopping, we could keep talking


  6. Twenty years, he thought wonderingly, and all the while she must have known that one day I'd climb a September hill and see her standing, young and lovely, in the sun, and fall in love with her all over again.

  20年来,他认为wonderingly ,以及所有她一定知道,有一天我会爬上9月希尔和看到她站立,年轻和可爱,在阳光下,并爱**她的所有了。

  7. Nonetheless we had a lovely day there, swimming, relaxing and reading on the beach and snorkeling.



  英 [?dr?zl] 美 ['dr?zl]


  不及物动词 下蒙蒙细雨,下毛毛雨

  名词 蒙蒙细雨,毛毛雨


  1. The dew on the branches drizzled our hair and shoulders.



  1. It drizzled off and on all day.


表示各种天气的英文单词有哪些 (菁选2篇)(扩展4)



  英 [?el?f?nt] 美 [??l?f?nt]


  1. In case you're wondering if it really does look like an elephant's head, like it does in that picture, here's apicture showing you what it really looks like


  2. 09Tarza is here, come, kiss me, baby [02:13]Coochie coochie kiss me tenderly [02:16]Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong [02:19]He is really cute, and his hair is long [02:23]Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong [02:26]So listn to the jungle-song: [02:30]Oo-ee-oo-ee [02:33]I am Tarzan from jungle [02:35]You can be my friend [02:37]Oo-ee-oo-ee [02:40]I am Jane and I Love to ride an elephant [02:43]Oo-ee-oo-ee [02:47]Go cheetah, get banana [02:49]Hey monkey, get funky [02:50]Oo-ee-oo-ee [02:53]I am Jane and I Love to ride an elephant [02:57]And so they got funky?

  02:09 Tarza 在这里,来,吻我,宝贝 [02:13] Coochie coochie 温和地吻我 [02:16] 泰山王子很英俊,泰山王子是强壮的他真的可爱的' [02:19],而且他的头发很长 [02:23] 泰山王子很英俊,泰山王子是强壮的 [02:26] 如此对丛林-歌的 listn:[02:30] Oo-ee-oo-ee 我是来自丛林的泰山王子的 [02:33] 你可能是我的朋友的 [02:35] [02:37] Oo-ee-oo-ee 我是珍的 [02:40] 和我爱骑一只象 [02:43] Oo-ee-oo-ee [02:47] 去印度豹,拿香蕉 [02:49] 嗨猴子,变得畏缩 [02:50] Oo-ee-oo-ee 我是珍的 [02:53] 和我爱骑一只象 [02:57] 而且因此他们变得畏缩了?

  3. When the elephant is about to devour a plaintain-tree in someone's garden, the mahut strikes it with his iron-tipped goad.


  4. The former method sim* consists of setting an elephant to work and beating him until he does what is expected of him.


  5. Only the elephant is like shaking a ears, long nose rolled food, sent to the mouth.


  6. An elephant, who appeared to be the dominant male, came up to Mark and began stomping his feet.


  7. India—Silhouetted in the Andaman Sea, a 60-year-old elephant named Rajan—here with his handler, Nasru—takes a morning dip in the warm waters.


  8. He keeps an elephant in the house as pet.



  英 [v?'kju:n?] 美 [v?'kju:n?]

  1. The vicuna is the smallest member of the camel family.


  2. A soft wool made from the fleece of the vicuna.


  3. The species that we hoped to study included the Indian tiger and the Andean Vicuna.


  4. Marketing manager Ross Greenshields said: There are other vicuna fabrics on the market, but we have woven the world's first 100% worsted spun vicuna fabric.


  5. The primary threat to the vicuna is illegal hunting.


表示各种天气的英文单词有哪些 (菁选2篇)(扩展5)

——表示工作类有哪些英文单词 (菁选2篇)


  英 [n?:s] 美 [n?:rs]




  1. This disease is very hard to nurse.


  2. She spends all her time nursing her old father.


  3. He nursed the house plants through a long winter.



  1. The baby is nursing at its mother's breast.



  1. She works as a nurse in a hospital.



  英 [?pa?l?t] 美 [?pa?l?t]

  1. It was proposed that a pilot training camp for blacks be established at Tuskegee, Alabama.


  2. At the conclusion of the summer of 2008, said the province's job TCM, Henan TCM implementation of pilot projects to treat AIDS, the 2546 cumulative patients with the free medical treatment.


  3. Ocations. One such experience described by a USAF pilot in Aviano Vigileer's article which might give you some idea about how it went.


  4. The first batch of pilot flow to borrow a total of 4 points, were too much to take to the streets, officials Square Street, justice and well Xinhua 4 Street community, has been welcomed by residents.


  5. This study is considered one of pilot studies in ******, but more rigorous experimental designs and bioeffect studies are encouraged for further exploration.


表示各种天气的英文单词有哪些 (菁选2篇)(扩展6)

——表示节日名称的英文单词 (菁选2篇)


  1. Office party: The party in charge of discipline inspection, trade unions, Communist Youth League, women's federations of the day-to-day affairs, the coordination of the Office of the relationship between; responsible for the organization, propaganda, ideological and cultural progress, united front, the Overseas Chinese Affairs (Federation of Returned Overseas), planning, statistics, Letters and visits, labor and personnel, secretarial and administrative services, logistics and so on.


  2. Youth Day is to commemorate the May 4, 1919 Patriotic Movement of Chinese students set up holiday.


  3. To My Sweet Heart ——Written in the morning of Chinese Youth Day Last night, in dream, I took your hand, It`s for first time you entered my dream.

  致情人 ——写在**青年节早晨昨晚我梦见拉起你的手,这是你第一次走进我的梦。

  4. Customer Case: Landscape passenger Xuan Tea House, Peikang tea Longjing tea Scotia, ·Chinese and Western restaurants, gourmet Diamond City, Zijin Shannon KTV, China Youth Net Bar, and First International Hotel Card, CardùYa, God Yu Hotel chess center, one-dimensional Chinese and Western restaurants, §·, Rhine Court, coffee, with the hair-shunè·, Paris saint day of Chinese and Western restaurant, the Mona Lisa of Chinese and Western restaurants, three restaurants Junshan needles, lock network clubs, Hengshan two junctions Hospital Network Net capital clubs, the people's livelihood restaurant, Hong Yuan Yi Qing Gou tea Hall, Shuimu cafes, clubs Greentown Chess Room......



  1. On May 12, the international nurses day is the nurses in the day of the festival belongs to yourself.


  2. Two nurses visit Xiaoqing with a bunch of flowers during the Spring Festival with her father standing beside.

  3. In order to better establish the brand image of medical services, nurses etiquette service as an important part of hospital care has been incorporated into the day-to-day work.


  4. IncIuding the many attractive maIe nurses.


  5. Since there were no patients waiting to be seen at the time, I came back to the nurses'station for a cup of hot cider from the crockpot someone had brought in for Christmas.


  6. Do not think you anesthesiologist or anaesthetic nurses all already know.


  7. Objective:To study the methods of emergency nurses for patients of fractures of the jaws.


表示各种天气的英文单词有哪些 (菁选2篇)(扩展7)

——表示各个节日的英文单词有哪些 (菁选2篇)


  1. Boil cummer says new year's day this year should be engaged, need arises 10 thousand yuan engagament to expend, I am dizzy, became center fast a year I also was not earned enough 10 thousand, even if earn enough I also did not know how to much spend.


  2. In the behavior aspect, lunar New Year's Day the death anniversary breaks the dishes, envies the lamp oil to sprinkle, envies the backless stool to fall to the ground, will otherwise have the ominous matter in the new year, this is the regional universal existence taboo, in Hunan, the death anniversary pays new year's call before the bed, this meant master year to year sickness cannot lie, first day arrives the third day, in the Han Nationality, Gelao national minority, the Tujia national minority some area death anniversary carries water, splashes water, the meaning is feared farms, goes out often rains.


  3. On New Year's Day, people fiest greet each other.


  4. On New Year's day, we go to put the shopping etc. Relatives


  5. It's New Year's Day today


  6. New Year's Day), Jan.20, Mar.8 (International Women's Day), Mar.16, May 28, June 15 (Day of Liberation of the Azerbaijani People), Oct.

  节 日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、悲哀日(1月20日)、国际妇女节(3月8日)、宰牲节(3月16日)、***日(5月28日)、阿塞拜疆人民**日(6月15日)、军役日(10月9日)、国家日(10月18日)、**日(11月12日)、民族幸存日(11月17日)、开斋节(12月17日)、阿塞拜疆世界团结日(12月31日)。

  7. New Year's Day is a time when I tell you that I love you.


  8. In this New Year's day, I wish you all right!



  1. Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival?


  2. Spring Festival also has two months to 2009, yesterday, the Hangzhou many travel agency's Spring Festival went to American, the European line tourism product price already to draw a charge.


  3. For example: some books, some toys, car, plane, ball, balloon, kite, boat, doll……In china, we also have a very important festival, that is the Spring Festival.


  4. In China, the most popular festival is Spring Festival, and the celebrations include giving gifts between relatives and friends, sticking duilian, making and eating dumplings, firing fireworks, visiting the relatives together.


  5. I know, he was still studying on the Eve of the Spring Festival.


  6. What do you often do with your family on the eve of the spring festival?


  7. Carefully watch these trees at the Spring Festival of the willow, the branches long, but festooning shallow, dots of green.


  8. During the Spring Festival, every family pasters the Spring Fest ival couplets on their doors to express sincere blessings and good wishes.


表示各种天气的英文单词有哪些 (菁选2篇)(扩展8)

——表示动物的英文单词怎么读 (菁选2篇)


  读音如音标所示:英 [?dr?g?nfla?] 美 [?dr?ɡ?n?fla?]


  1. Famous in Shanghai, the first Dragonfly in Beijing lives up to the chain's reputation.

  2. Later that year he quit his job and returned to ****** to open his first Dragonfly gallery.

  3. " A predator of the zebrafish larva is the larva of the dragonfly, " he said.

  4. Shop owner Jeff Shi has several Dragonfly outlets in China and a clear mission.

  5. Shi says Dragonfly " has grown up with ******'s first group of creative workers ".

  6. He says the time is ripe for a Dragonfly store in Beijing.

  7. After being bitten by a genetically altered dragonfly, high school loser Rick Riker develop superhuman abilities like incredible strength and armored skin.


  读音如音标所示:英 [?s?lkw?:m] 美 [?s?lkw?:rm]

  1. After liberating, below the leader of party and people government, silkworm mulberry production got restore quickly and develop, obtained unprecedented achievement, make brief reviewing now.


  2. Now the silkworm and wild silkworm are different in many aspects, while the differences in moving behaviors is interesting.


  3. The silkworm has a very broad market expansion space.


  4. Suppress the silk, the worker wants the first choice high quality silkworm cocoon to suppress the silk, in suppresses in the silk process to branch out the silkworm cocoon fiber one, two, three, four, five ranks.


  5. Rude classification Shannan foothill Yingshan area, Shui Peilin dense, mountain range often green jade, in Yingshan entire boundary more than200, 000 Chinese acres cultivated land, some 1/4 is the mulberryorchard, the Yingshan common people generation plants the mulberry toraise silkworms, silk reeling 织纺, thus the silkworm raising isprosperous, the cocoon fiber praises Jingchu.


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